Forum 900 XJ et variantes

The new guy from USA
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Auteur:  TIMEtoRIDE [ 16 Déc 2009, 02:02 ]
Sujet du message:  The new guy from USA

Hey guys !

I guess this worked !!
I'm from the XJ Bikes site. [TIMEtoRIDE]
It took much effort to register and I must change my name.
( I think I just did that) ****
I have a XJ900RK 1983 model in red. 28,000 Miles ( 40K )

Will post more, Later, 8)

TIME - -

Auteur:  TIMEtoRIDE [ 16 Déc 2009, 02:49 ]
Sujet du message: 

OH, OK that all worked !!

Now to load some pictures ???

Auteur:  TIMEtoRIDE [ 16 Déc 2009, 03:31 ]
Sujet du message:  My 900 page

Hi guys.
I want to show my bikes.
Search these links please, until I can load pictures, thank You. ... a+900.html

And my 750, also on XJ ... a+900.html

Hope these links work !!
I have had XJ 's since 1985
I have 6 of them now.

Auteur:  Askell [ 16 Déc 2009, 08:25 ]
Sujet du message: 

Welcome :wink:

Auteur:  yannick [ 16 Déc 2009, 08:49 ]
Sujet du message: 

Hello and welcome !
The links work well . :wink:

Auteur:  yann [ 16 Déc 2009, 11:10 ]
Sujet du message: 

Hello and welcome too :wink: .

Interesting fairing. Did you have more pics ?

It seems to protect legs but also let see the engine.

Auteur:  oyien [ 16 Déc 2009, 11:20 ]
Sujet du message: 

welcome, TIMEtoRIDE !!

Look at your PM's (klik on top of the page, in the center, written in blue : "Vous avez un nouveau message".

I sent you my email and you can send me your pics in return. I'll post them here ;)

Auteur:  oyien [ 16 Déc 2009, 19:03 ]
Sujet du message: 

Here are your pics with translation of legends in french ;)
Voici les photos de Timetoride

Sa Venture de 1988 avec pas moins de 54 boutons de commande d'un tas de trucs(radio, CB, intercom, cruise control...)

Sa 900xj(RK) seulement 1000 exemplaires de ce modèle ont été imprortés aux USA en 1983 avec le TDF sur la fourche, dans ce coloris uniquement, et sans sabot (comme vous pouvez le voir, il en cherche un ;)



Sa collection il y a 2 ans. 1982 Turbo , 1981 Seca 750 , 1982 Maxim 750
I paid $100 , $700 , $400
La turbo n'a plus de papiers mais ne totalise que 3900 km :shock:


Sa MAXIM, qui n'existe pas en France mais qui a selon lui les mêmes mécanique et électrique que la SECA (en même temps, la seca n'est pas la même aux US et en France NDOyien;) alors je ne sais pas trop )


Sa SECA customisée... VERY NICE !! ;)

Une maxim pour pièces

Ca c'est un des 4 lancement de Navette auxquels il a assisté. Currieux phénomène, le tir s'est fait au soleil couchant. Du coup, le haut de la trainée est au jour, le bas dans la nuit et le milieu est dans le soleil couchant :) D'où le changement de couleurs. C'est chouette !! :D

Une rampe à dépression maison

Une astuce pour débrayer plus facile ;)

Thanks for the pics, Will ;)

We knew the two last tricks ;)

Auteur:  yannick [ 16 Déc 2009, 19:18 ]
Sujet du message: 

I went in Florida in 1987 .
You stay certainly not far from Orlando and Daytona ... :wink:
It's very hot in summer ... but it's a very nice country !

Auteur:  patlezen [ 16 Déc 2009, 19:18 ]
Sujet du message: 

Bien beau repoRtage en provenEce des States :D :D

Auteur:  oyien [ 16 Déc 2009, 19:19 ]
Sujet du message: 

yann a écrit:
Hello and welcome too :wink: .

Interesting fairing. Did you have more pics ?

It seems to protect legs but also let see the engine.

it's a turbo fairing, isn't it ?

C'est un carénage de turbo, je crois.

J'ai retrouvé ça ;)

TIMEtoRIDE, this link should interest you ;)

Auteur:  grenouille31 [ 16 Déc 2009, 23:22 ]
Sujet du message: 

Welcome TIMEtoRIDE,

beautiful bikes.
Here is the oyien signature translation :D :D





Auteur:  TIMEtoRIDE [ 17 Déc 2009, 00:01 ]
Sujet du message: 

On my XJ750RH , it came with the small fork mount fairing. I found someone who was selling this "Tourpack" for little money.
I just had to have it. There were no mounts for the fairing, and the trunk mounts were cut up and ruined. These parts were made in Canada for the North American market. The hardware is not even in Metric !!
I have lots of pictures of other "Tourpacks" that helped me sort out my mess. Here is more info on my build :

That prototype 900 is a great looking bike. The guy sells the bracket to fit the Turbo fairing to a 900. And I just happen to have a Turbo parts bike.
There's places here that make brand new windshields for all these too.

Thanks Oyien for posting and translating.
Sounds like there will be another round of pictures soon.

Auteur:  oyien [ 17 Déc 2009, 00:16 ]
Sujet du message: 

what do you mean by "tourpack" and "trunk mount" ?

Auteur:  TIMEtoRIDE [ 17 Déc 2009, 00:53 ]
Sujet du message:

I hope Youtube works for everyone here.

It was called the "tourpack" the panniers, top box, rack, and fairing was all sold together. I have lots of pics. Will send them soon to Oyien.
These were installed by the dealer. My friend Micro even has the installation manual. Step by step.

I guess this was an option not available in Europe.
Occasionally these pop up on E-Bay.

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